
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

20 Crazy Badass Dates

Here’s the thing, I’m sick of doing the same old shit on every single date. It’s so boring and mundane. Not to mention, I’m a little crazy. I’m upping the ante, which is probably going to scare a lot of people away. These are things I’ve always wanted to do. I will be doing each of them throughout the next twenty dates I go on. If I ask you out, you may want to think twice. Shit is about to get real, fast. Here are my next twenty date ideas!

1. Go to a restaurant ordering solely with hand gestures. Pointing or speaking isn’t allowed.

2. Going to a big store with headphones in. You taking turns dancing behind people that aren’t watching. See how long you can go without getting caught.

3. Make dinner blindfolded. One person is blindfolded while the other person tells them what to do. If the blindfold leaves the kitchen and leads to other things, that’s up to you.

4. Go to the zoo and start giving tours like you work there. Just keep talking about the animals, where they are from, what they eat, regardless if you actually know or not.

5. Take karaoke to the next level. Show up with an old school boom box and head to a crowded place. Blast that shit and sing your lungs out. See how many people you can get to join in.

6. Make a crazy ton of samples in the kitchen. You make your favorite one and your date makes
theirs. Walk around and hand them out. See which one gets the most votes for people’s favorite.

7. Hide and go seek at Walmart!

8. Show up to the airport with an overnight bag and tell the ticket counter you want the first flight out of there. No plans to where you’re going or where you’re staying. Go and stay the night there.

9. Go wedding crash on a Saturday. Drive around to all reception places, try the food and make sure you make it a point to talk to the bride and groom. Act as if you’ve known them your whole life.

10. Go to somewhere crowded (probably a tourist site) photobomb as many pictures as you can.

11. Buy a dozen roses and hand them out to people that you think need it.

12. While out to dinner pick out another couple there and mimic what you believe they are saying.

13. Trick or Treating: Yeah you heard me right. Dress up and go knock on doors and trick or treat. Only catch is you have to do it when it’s not Halloween.

14. Do a date backwards… Meaning start the date with how you would end it and go in that direction. Do EVERYTHING backwards from what you would normally do. By everything, I mean everything.

15. Skinny dipping… Yep you heard me right.

16. Meet somewhere public, create personas, approach your person, hit on them, and see where the evening takes you.  You must stay in role the whole time.

17. Sit on a bench at a mall and play real life Tinder. As people walk by say yes or no.

18. Go do a do it yourself carwash and wash as many cars as you can as if you work there. If you get tips, get dinner after.

19. Rollerskating, I’m talking old school here. Just f*cking skate!

20. When there’s a rainbow, do whatever you can to try and find the end of it. Go to wherever the hell you have to go!

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