
Friday, March 6, 2015

To Dock or Not: Utah Crazy

Utah has some absolutely crazy things. Some of the crazy is because of lack of cultural awareness and other things are a little strange even to the most liberal Utahn. 

But for me, I love everything about Utah. Cray cray or not. It’s my refuge. My place of escape, and my home.  Living here I’ve heard some unbelievable things, however what I heard yesterday takes the cake.  Let me preface by saying this may be a little graphic, so stop reading if you’re a little soft. 

Docking or soaking, those two words really didn’t mean much to me until recently. Those from Utah, or more explicitly, those from Utah County, may already know what I’m talking about. For those that don’t, let me explain.

Most of us understand what sex is? If you don’t… Not much I can do to help you, besides tell you to google it. Docking refers to the term where the male inserts his penis into the vagina and just sits there.  He doesn’t move, she doesn’t move, he is just docked there. 

A couple I talked to recently isn’t allowed to have sex before marriage. However they stated, “docking isn’t sex.” You could imagine the wheels in my brain spinning as I tried to process this concept. I could only process these three thoughts as they began telling me about it:

1. Yes, it is sex. You’re insane. Case.closed. 
2. Why? Just why?! Docking? Even the name is bizarre. Is it a boat? What size boat? Where ya docking it? Do you dock often? Ok, enough.
3. The dude obviously has way more self control than I ever will. This is similar to taking me to a bike store where everything is free but telling me I’m the only one that won’t be allowed to take anything home with me. You just sit there. You literally don’t move. How in the hell is this fun? Why? Just why?!

Utah is crazy but this was something that I couldn’t believe. It makes zero sense to me. However, it made my day and so of course, I wanted to share. You’re welcome.

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