
Monday, January 19, 2015

Go Do What You Love

It seems like this next subject is quite a common topic. It’s a constant sign of discouragement and it needs to stop. Not next week, not tomorrow, it needs to end right this very second.

Each of us gravitates towards some type of fitness area. We live in a world that is full of whatever you want to do. Crossfit, triathlon, power lifting, trx, yoga, running, dancing, and the list goes on forever. While in theory this is badass, we don’t allow it to be. In a lot of our minds we think our choice for exercise is the end all be all. I can’t tell you the number of people that have ripped gyms, or a person’s fitness lifestyle because they weren’t doing what they do or did. It’s complete and utter bullshit.

I have been in a unique situation over the last couple years to be able to go everywhere. I’m a triathlete at heart, that’s my passion. It’s what I love and crave to do. Have you been to TRX and gotten your ass handed to you? What about being in downward dog and start shaking wondering if your arms would give out? Have you been to crossfit sweating bullets wondering how you were going to make in through the WOD? Have you ran so hard that you saw dips in the track? You ever been on your bike and felt the absolute pain and burn in your legs as you tried to climb a mountain?  What about flip upside down in anti gravity wondering if you’d land directly on your head?

Here’s my point, there are badass people no matter where you go or what you do. I can’t walk into a crossfit gym and compete the same as I can’t compete with people that do Pilates. Badass is a definition that I like to define as,  “Someone who excels at what they do.” We don’t know why an individual chose their sport or fitness goals,  but it really doesn’t matter. Appreciate the uniqueness of each sport and the difficulty that comes with that. Chances are you can't do what they can. Your sport isn't better, it's different.

Instead of knocking or slamming another fitness lifestyle, appreciate that person talent hard work, and is off their couch enjoying their life. No form of fitness is better; it’s what makes the world great. We are allowed to enjoy people and exercise we have a passion for. Keep on keeping on and if you feel hate, maybe you should go see what fitness lifestyle your slamming has to offer. My guess is more often than not you’ll be surprised how difficult it is. Go do what you love with those you love to be around.

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