
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Take a step away, gather yourself, and get your shit together

Learn how to step away, gather yourself, and get your shit together.

We’ve all been in that moment of panic, despair, where we felt like everything was closing in on us. Our muscles were too sore, too weak, too fatigued to continue on. The last thing we wanted to do was run one more mile, or lift one more weight. We had convinced our mind a thousand times over that it was ok to quit and we had already pushed hard enough. There were other athletes and people that were standing around, yelling at us to go faster or lift more but we had already decided we were done.

I’ve learned one very important thing in these moments of panic and despair. It’s ok to step away from the bar, breathe deep, count to ten, and tell yourself to get your shit together.

I was on a run two weeks ago, my legs weren’t feeling it and I had told myself it hurt too much and I was going to only run four miles instead of the planned seven. At mile four when I had originally told myself I was going to quit, I stopped. However, instead of quitting, I took a deep breath, counted to ten, told myself to stop being a pansy and to get my shit back together. I don’t know why, but it worked. It slowed the pain and the panic down that I had originally been feeling and I finished the seven miles.

It’s ok to take a step away and gather yourself. Occasionally we need that moment to ourselves saying it will be ok. The next time you feel overwhelmed no matter what exercise in sports or life you are doing, slow your body down, take a deep breath, count to ten, and get your shit back together. Then get back to it and hit it harder than you ever thought was possible.

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